Home Events - CMCP Family Drop In

Family Drop In

9:30-10:25: Painting with Bubbles! Let’s make a mixture using dish soap, water and color; then blow bubbles onto our paper and see our wonderful paint bubbles pop and create fun patterns! You will need:

  • dish soap
  • paper that can take a soaking
  • water
  • a few jars or plastic containers for different colours soapy paint
  • a bubble wand (can be made with twist ties or pipe cleaners or a berry basket)
  • food coloring (or a squirt of paint)

Remember to cover your work surface with newsprint and have a rag ready to clean up messes.

10:30 – 11:00 Circle Time

 11:00-12:30: Active Kids: Outdoor Bubble Play! You will need:

  • bubbles from your activity kit!
  • Make some bubble wands using the pipe-cleaners in the kit.

 Let’s go outside to blow and catch bubbles together! Don’t forget to register for a May Activity kit to get the materials you’ll need to complete this activity!


May 25 2021


9:30 am - 12:30 pm
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